Why Choose For Traders?

Prozkoumejte funkce, díky nimž vyniká For Traders.


Fully Customizable


Choose between easier trading or lower costs, customizing your trading challenge to fit your style.

Profit Split

The percentage of the profits you make on your trades that you can withdraw as a reward.


Profit Target

The profit you need to reach within the Challenge. Calculated based on closed positions only.

8%, 5%10%, 5%8%, 5%8%, 5%


All of your open and closed profits and losses combined can’t exceed this amount.

Na základě zůstatkuNa základě zůstatkuNa základě vlastního kapitáluNa základě zůstatku

Challenge Pro

with 6% & 6% Profit Target and No Daily Drawdown

Extensive, essential course for beginner traders. Accelerate your knowledge by watching more than 2h+ of content by Head of Trading Jan Srajer!

One Step Challenge

A challenge designed for professional traders with no daily drawdown limit.

Free Tournaments

Regular online events where traders can train their skills without any cost and have the opportunity to win free challenges.

Trading Video Course

Extensive, essential course for beginner traders. Accelerate your knowledge by watching more than 2h+ of content by Head of Trading Jan Srajer!

In-person Events

Engaging in-person meetups with our trading community.

Obchodní plarformy

DX Trade

Customizable multi-asset trading platform, offering advanced tools like comprehensive charting, technical analysis, and risk management.


Trading View

The ultimate all-in-one trading platform with a user-friendly interface, TradingView charting tools, real-time market data, and robust risk management for efficient multi-asset trading.

Reálná firma.
Reální lidé.


Specializovaní profesionálové


po celém světě


zákaz. podpora

Jsme tým zkušených technologických podnikatelů a traderů. Zakládáme si na profesionalitě a transparentnosti.
Více o nás

Nahlédni do zákulisí
