The Event was held
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Benzinga Fintech Deal Day

New York, USA 🇺🇸

19th Nov  ‘24

Děkujeme, že jste dorazili!

Wow, to bylo neskutečné! Díky všem, kteří dorazili do našich kanceláři a vytvořili úžasnou atmosféru. Podívejte se na fotky. A my už pracujeme na dalších setkáních!

Join our Xmas Party For Traders!

Organizing the For Traders Awards was an honor, and we are already looking forward to next year’s event, which promises to be even more impactful. Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to making this event a success. We are committed to continuing our efforts to support and inspire the trading community. Here’s to many more years of excellence!

Program akce


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Začátek akce


Úvodní řeč Jakuba Rože, CEO

Jakub Roz

CEO, For Traders


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Turnaj ve scalpingu


Oznámení vítěze turnaje


Volná zábava, networking


Psychology in Trading

Speaker To be Announced


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Konec akce

Event Details

Convene Brookfield Place

New York, USA 🇺🇸



Register Now

Registrations are closed – we are fully booked. We are looking forward to the event!